
Attorneys: A History of Helpfulness

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Attorneys: A History of Helpfulness

Attorneys in our day are often called bottom feeders, ambulance chasers or worse. I am an attorney in private practice, and it is my mission to show you that the law is a calling filled with noble and enthusiastic people who are doing the job to help others. The law can be incredibly confusion, and it seems to change drastically day by day. Attorneys are there to help clients navigate the murky waters of legal issues and find the most appropriate solution to problems they face. So don't think of a lawyer as the bad guys. Lawyers help people, and this blog will teach you how.

3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Relationship With A Court Reporter

If you just started your career as an attorney, you are going to want to make an effort to develop good relationships with the court reporters in the area. You are going to need them to work with you on depositions, and it helps to be on good terms. Here are three easy ways you can improve your relationship with the court reports that you work with.

#1 Confirm The Schedule

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that you are clear with your scheduling. Be sure to let the court reporter know as far in advance as possible about the date of your deposition so that they can work you into their schedule. Then, be sure to confirm with whomever you are questioning for the deposition that they can make it and let the court reporter know that everyone is confirmed to be there. If the person you are questioning can't make the deposition, try to let the court reporter know as far in advance as possible. This will allow them to take on another client and adjust their plans.

#2 Provide Them With Spelling of Special Names & Terms

Next, you can help make the court reporters job easier by providing them with a list of any names and business organizations that may come up in the deposition. Being able to see the spelling of these names and organizations in advance will help ensure that the court reporter spells them correctly within the deposition and it will make it easier and faster for the court reporter to type up their information, a crucial part of their job.

If you are doing a case in a very specialized industry that has a lot of industry specific terms, it may be useful to also provide the court reporter with an index or glossary of the specialized terms that they may hear during the deposition. Providing definitions with the terms will help the court reporter better understand the terms and will help them more accurately record the information that you provide them with.

#3 Brief Them On The Case

Finally, it can be helpful to brief the court report on the case. Let them know what the topic area is about so that the court reporter can prepare accurately for the case. If you think that anything graphic in nature may come up during the deposition, please warn the court reporter. This will allow them to not be shocked when the information comes up and focus on their job, which is recording everything that comes up. 

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